Student loan forgiveness is a new target for debt resolution companies. Students are now graduating from college with upwards of 20,000 dollars of debt and no way to pay back their debt. More than half the recent grads are unemployed. If they do have a job it is a low paying one that does not require a college degree. Some Americans, even baby boomers whose savings were devastated by the financial crisis, are still struggling to pay off their student loans well into their 50s.
For the debt settlement industry, all this means is a tantalizing gold mine of new customers. The Law Office of Mayer and Newton can advise and often help individuals with student loan debt legally. We offer free consultations to advise on student loan issues. It is wise to get legal council rather than being scammed into paying high costs to a settlement company that promises the help but delivers nothing.
Call us if you need advise on student loan debt. 865-588-5111 web security israel burkina faso